Tag Archives: healthcare distribution

How will the US Supreme Court’s Decision on the Chevron Deference Impact Healthcare?

The US Supreme Court’s decision on Chevron deference isn’t merely a legal technicality, it’s a potential game-changer for healthcare. The implications could be profound, potentially reshaping healthcare policy and regulation as we know it. This situation warrants our attention and understanding. Congress sets the law of the land and federal agencies were created to implement those laws to… Read More »

Navigating the Future of Medicare Advantage Plans

Recently, Medicare Advantage (MA) plans have surged in popularity, accounting for more than 50% of coverage for Medicare beneficiaries. Consequently, this rise has intensified competition among payors, leading to increasingly aggressive marketing strategies. To thrive in this competitive landscape, MA providers must differentiate their plans. Experience shows that targeting specific demographic segments is an effective strategy, and MA plans are… Read More »

Embracing Human-Centered Care: A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare

In our continual pursuit of delivering enhanced value to those we serve; we are embarking on a transformative journey. One that shifts our approach from a solely physiologic model to one more rooted in understanding human conditions and behavioral economics. Rather than solely educating individuals on their disease states, our focus now lies in activating and engaging them… Read More »

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Prior Authorizations in Healthcare

Recently, a colleague shared an article with me, “The Two Words That Can Make Health Care a Nightmare,” by Chris Stranton, highlighting the challenges posed by prior authorizations (PAs) in healthcare. While I agree that PAs can be problematic, it’s crucial to delve deeper, and consider the broader context surrounding their use. Prior authorizations have long been a… Read More »

Considering the Value of Generative AI in Healthcare

Generative AI is sparking intriguing discussions in healthcare, particularly in its role within chatbots for diagnostic and decision-making purposes. The potential benefits are vast, but it’s essential to recognize and address the accompanying risks and complexities. Diagnostic accuracy and adherence to evidence-based medicine have been central issues in recent healthcare conversations. As we strive to enhance outcomes and… Read More »

Diagnostic Errors in the Emergency Department

Receiving accurate care in the Emergency Department (ED) is essential because diagnostic errors can have life-threatening consequences. Let’s first examine the role of care within the Emergency Room. In emergency medicine, time is of the essence, and the focus is often on ensuring patient safety, providing follow-up care, and ruling out immediate harm. However, miscommunication and unmanaged expectations… Read More »

The Value of Funding Social Drivers of Health

As we continue to focus on delivering health in a manner that is equitable, we have come to realize the importance of social drivers of health, known as those diseases of life, that occur outside of the physiologic realm and impact an individual’s health and wellness. Presently, investments in methodologies that address these conditions have revolved around governmental… Read More »

Evaluating Quality and Cost Between Medicare Advantage & Traditional Medicare

With enrollment in the Medicare Advantage (MA) program continuing to rise and nearly 50% of all Medicare eligible beneficiaries participating in an MA product, now is the time to evaluate the program’s benefits and possible unintended consequences. Why? A recent study by Landon et al., published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, compared the two programs… Read More »

What is Driving the Use of Patient Monitoring?

In healthcare, particularly regarding new technologies, we habitually chase after the latest, greatest shiny object. And we very often accept these innovations as being beneficial even before the data is confirmed, sometimes even failing to terminate usage when it’s not shown to be of benefit. And Remote patient Monitoring (RPM) risks falling into that scenario. Hypothetically, the idea… Read More »

Will Diagnostic Artificial Intelligence Ever Become a Real Thing?

The desire to improve diagnostic accuracy, efficiency, and safety is always on the minds of clinicians. Suddenly, artificial intelligence (AI) arrives, and everyone believes we have found nirvana and a solution to all problems. Unfortunately, despite multiple peaks of excitement, AI still has failed to meet our expectations. When we delve into the reasons concerning diagnostic accuracy, it’s… Read More »