Category Archives: Blog entry

Providing Resources for those Caring for our Elderly with Dementia

As we live longer, certain disease states will continue to become more prevalent in the elderly, such as dementia. Unfortunately, our health care system is focused on episodic care versus the needs of those with chronic conditions, especially when they need long-term services outside of a care setting. The question arises concerning who delivers such care, are they… Read More »

Taking a Deeper Look at Inequity within Our Scientific Process

As we continue to address health inequities, we must also consider underlying structural issues. If I am to deliver care focusing on equity, the basis for my treatment must be grounded in science. However, if my science is flawed due to underlying systemic biases and flaws in study design, we will never progress. Since inequities are pervasive and… Read More »

Is Our Racial Divide Worsening in Healthcare?

In 1973, an article entitled, “Does Race Interfere with the Doctor-Patient Relationship,” was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It pointed out systemic biases that impact the care for those in minority groups. Almost 50 years later, have we improved? Though the article delineated a significant amount of attention that addresses health inequities and the… Read More »

How Can We Create Space for Grief?

All too often, we forget that physicians and clinical scientists are humans. Because of this, we do not create the space needed for human reactions in difficult times. Furthermore, we often mention burnout and resilience, yet fail to focus on the underlying humanistic needs required for a healthy psyche and periods of grief. Let’s Consider the Current Models…… Read More »

Should Physician Offices Be Bill Collectors?

In our present financial models of healthcare reimbursement, the setup frequently places the physician and their practice staff in a real predicament. Consumers request that they deliver care during their time of need in a reverent and life-giving manner.  Additionally, they are required to collect your co-pay and/or co-insurance while simultaneously understanding your benefit plan, including how much… Read More »

What is our COVID Endgame?

As we continue to struggle with vaccination rates, the debate rages over individual rights and the politicization of the present situation. Because of this it is essential to step back and decide upon our goals.  Are we attempting to eradicate, eliminate, cohabitate, or conflagrate with the virus? With each of these, the endgame is drastically different. For instance,… Read More »

The Importance of Humanism vs. Heroism in Healthcare

A hero is understood to be a person who performs an exceptional feat, putting others in front of oneself. The ideal of heroism represents the convention that an individual can accomplish more than seems possible. The heroic narrative extols three traits: individual skill, willingness to sacrifice, and stoicism in the face of physical and emotional hardship. The culture… Read More »

Healthy Equity is A Critical Part of Value-Based Payment Models

As value-based payment models have continued to expand, this expansion has occurred in the more affluent communities. Additionally, communities with more socioeconomically vulnerable individuals were less likely to be selected for joint replacement bundles, another form of a value-based payment. A big reason for this lack of equitable distribution of value-based care, can be linked to the absence… Read More »