Tag Archives: transparency

How Can We Become the Trusted Voice?

What the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light is the detrimental effect of medical misinformation. We must remember the “law of rumor” is proportional to the level of ambiguity and the importance of the spreading. When there is an overwhelming feeling of uncertainty, when people feel anxious, when the information is deemed important, and whether they believe the… Read More »

Understanding and Instilling Trust in Our Patients

Periodically, there are discussions regarding the critical component of trust in healthcare. Currently, the present pandemic is a prime example of the issue. Some, we observe, inherently trust science; others prefer the approach, I need to distrust you until you prove to me you are trustworthy. A third category proclaims I trust you; however, I must verify the… Read More »

What is the Basis for Denial and Conspiracy Theories?

When in conversations with others on complex topics, I am frequently perplexed when what they say seems so illogical to me and incongruent with scientific data.  For instance, currently, in this pandemic, this occurrence could not be more befuddling. Throughout COVID, the amount of “anti-vaxxers,” “anti-maskers,” and those who genuinely believe this is a hoax, is frankly astounding.… Read More »

How is Chart Transparency Going to Impact our Communication Methods?

With the recent legislative enactment of the 2016 Cures Act, I personally have received several comments and concerns. On the surface, the concept of information transparency is paramount as we move towards a more consumer-driven approach. As a patient, I should have immediate access to my information since it pertains to me and I wish to know what… Read More »

When it Comes to Improving Healthcare, Consumers are Accountable Too!

Overall, we focus a considerable amount of time and energy on physician accountability for delivering value to those we serve. However, with consistently increasing costs to the consumer, there is less conversation concerning their responsibility. Currently, there is a societal debate asking what exactly, are the duties of individuals involving their own health and well-being. Undeniably, patients’ behavior… Read More »

Will Price Transparency in Healthcare Make Things Better?

United States purchasers of healthcare pay higher prices for a unit of service relative to other countries. In fact, these prices are primarily opaque, and the consumer rarely knows what it will owe for payment before they make a purchase. Market-based economics argue that price transparency of products leads to greater competition, thus leading to lower costs over… Read More »

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Understanding Why Hospitals, payers and physicians must work together If we want to continue to increase the value to those we serve; it is crucial to recognize that partnerships are necessary. Thus, it is essential that physicians, hospitals, and payers work together in innovative ways and cost-effectively elevate care and services. Historically, not only has each focused on… Read More »